Principles of Yoga: Contemporary perspectives

These days most people associate “Yoga” with “Asanas” [postures]. People think of Yoga as physical exercise that stretches the body, increases physical flexibility, and helps lose weight and get into better physical shape. With today’s lifestyle, this aspect of Yoga has become increasingly relevant too. 

However, Yoga is much more than body postures. It is a way of life dedicated to creating a union between body, mind and spirit. The body and the mind are not two separate things. The body is a reflection of the mind. And if the mind is polluted, it reflects in every aspect of our life.  If our mind is filled with garbage, just getting into perfect physical shape of the body is of no use.

Yoga touches all aspects of our life as it can be practiced in everything we do. Yoga is about having balance and creating equanimity so as to live in peace, good health and harmony with the greater whole.

Instead of being a “human being doing Yoga”, aspire to be a “human being Yoga”.

The principles of Yoga which can lead to a harmonious life were written down thousands of year ago by the Indian sage Patanjali in the Yoga Sutra. This text portrays the internal workings of the mind and describes Yoga as having Eight limbs. The name “Ashtanga Yoga” means “having eight limbs”. Asanas is the third limb of Yoga.

This workshop does not teach Asanas. However, the principles of Yoga form the very bedrock on which almost all the elements of this Workshop are founded.

Watch out for updates on our Blog for contemporary perspectives on all the Eight limbs of Yoga. Stay in touch !